Sometimes when you look back on what you didn’t do, you need to get creative to deal with it. That’s when I take a Procrastibbatical.…Continue readingCall it a Sabbatical
Everyone knows what a To Do List is. You might even know what a To Don’t List is. But do you know what a To Done List is?…Continue readingThe To Done List
If you blame the universe for all the wrongs done to you, you are wasting your time. If you are constantly talking about it, then you are wasting everyone else’s time too. You see, the Universe is stacked against all of us. There’s a universal…Continue readingStop Complaining
Your momma loves you…maybe your dad. But face it, everyone else can take or leave you. No one really cares what’s going on between your ears. Even your spouse gets bored with you after a few years. Your kids may love you but they have…Continue readingLove Yourself – and Others
It’s on my days off that I often find myself socializing with family and friends but yet thinking about all of the things I need to be doing. Well, everyone deserves a little time off once in a while! The problem is that my To…Continue readingPut it in a Box
Starting a blog from scratch can be a project alright! With any luck, I will stay on task and not get sidetracked by everything else I need to be doing. That’s one reason why I always create a tactical list when planning a project. A…Continue readingThe Blog Project – A Tactical Approach