Ketchup Day

Warning! Do not put ketchup on your hot dogs. Instead, ketch up on those things you had on your To Do List.

The Catch-Up Day is a day of your choosing where you plan nothing so that you can catch up on all those things you were supposed to do. To get this done, I use a Catch-Up Day List. A Catch-Up Day List is a manifestation of the To Done List. This advanced list making procrastechnique is not for the novice list maker, nor impatient people, it’s for people with a lot of stuff they should have done.

To make a Catch-Up Day List, start with a list numbered 1 through 10. Write stuff in after you do them, provided you were able to cross them off another list. I incorporate this procrastechnique into my Weekly Day List whenever the need arises – see the photo below. A Catch-Up Day motivates me to clean up a lot of loose ends and makes life more manageable. In the process, I re-evaluate the importance and urgency of the stuff on my old lists. It seemed important when I added it to the list, but in hindsight, is it still? It’s been on the list for a while, so it isn’t really urgent, either. A lot of stuff falls off the map and what’s left is clearer and more obvious and manageable. A Ketchup Day is filled with success and optimism and dopamine.

None of this has anything to do with ketchup (except the dopamine), so here’s to all the people who put ketchup on their scrambled eggs or on their pizza or even on a hot dog. Bon appetite!

No AI was used in the production of this blog post.

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